Aplikasi Android, Games, Memancing, Best Fisherman

Description & how to play Best Fisherman apk :
our review Best Fisherman apk
Best Fisherman is a section simulate the real fishing android game, a total of five kinds of waiting for your challenge, if you no game money, you can buy your fishing tackle (begun paying $0.99 for 1000 game of coin, a game currency can buy you want in fishing fishing tackle), picture, you can open “my fishing box” to adjust your fishing tackle combination.
This is a simulation of real creek fishing providing 5 speices of fish for your challange. You can shop your fishing tackle when you enter the shop. If you are not interested in any fishing tackle, you can directly click �GO!� to start the game. There are some default tackles for you. Surely, you can win scores by obtaining fish and the scores can also be exchanged as tokens. So, use the default tackles carefully and you may not need any token to buy fishing tackles you like. You have to touch the location you are heading for fishing on the image of Fishing Field. There are five locations in the menu and different fish in speices and size in each location.
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