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free Sms App Android: GO SMS Pro 4.65 Apk - update

free Sms App Android: GO SMS Pro 4.65 .Apk
GO SMS PRO membawa Anda UI keren, SMS cepat dan nyaman / pengalaman MMS.
GO SMS Pro (belum GRATIS) adalah aplikasi pesan yang paling populer, peningkatan besar untuk SMS jauh lebih cepat, lebih banyak fungsi, ton pengaturan, dukungan SMS / MMS / GO Share / GO Chat / Facebook Chat, Sertakan SEMUA yang Anda inginkan untuk texting . HARUS MEMILIKI.

download GO SMS Pro 3.74 Apk
latest update : new version
support Android : android 1.5 cupcake, android 1.6 donut, android 2.0 / 2.1 eclair, android 2.2 froyo, android 2.3 gingerbread, android tablet 3 honeycomb, android 4 ice cream sandwich or above

free Sms App Android: GO SMS Pro 3.74 Apk

v3.74 update:
1. Optimize Search by contact, add delete, backup thread, move to private box, encrypt, and batch mode
2. Optimize Search by content, add delete, Favorites (SMS), save to SD (MMS), highlight searched word, and batch mode
3. Optimize the switching between GO SMS and GO Chat
4. Fix some minor bugs
5. Add one paid theme “mild winter”

GO SMS PRO brings you cool UI, fast and convenient SMS/MMS experience.

GO SMS Pro(yet FREE) is the most popular messaging app, huge enhancement for stock SMS, much faster, more functions, tons of settings, support SMS/MMS/GO Share/GO Chat/Facebook Chat, Include ALL you want for texting. MUST HAVE.

free Sms App Android: GO SMS Pro .Apk terbaru
disclaimer: this app is not FREE, please buy in android market or visit developer's website
Please support the developers if you like their app.
tags : aplikasi android, game, app, apps, support android phone: samsung galaxy, ace, mini, s 2, sony ericsson xperia, x10, x8, motorola, LG, HTC, droid, nexus, s, nexian, zte, and all android phone
download GO SMS Pro 3.74 Apk
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free Sms App Android: GO SMS Pro 4.65 Apk - update

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