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3D Flip Clock & World Weather Apk for Android - update

download 3D Flip Clock & World Weather 0.87 Apk
Aplikasi widget jam untuk android ini merupakan salah satu widget terbaik dan sering direkomendasikan oleh para pengguna android lainnya.
selain menyediakan widget jam juga disertai dengan perkiraan cuaca dan beberapa fitur penting lainya.

latest update : new version 0.84.1
support Android : android 1.5 cupcake, android 1.6 donut, android 2.0 / 2.1 eclair, android 2.2 froyo, android 2.3 gingerbread, android tablet 3 honeycomb, android 4 ice cream sandwich or above

Jam sepenuhnya dapat disesuaikan sandal 3D dan widget cuaca dunia. Flip 3D Jam & widget cuaca dunia. Sebuah fitur penuh, jam digital ukuran 4x2 sepenuhnya disesuaikan dan widget cuaca

3D Flip Clock & World Weather 0.50 Apk

3D Flip Clock & World Weather 0.50 Apk | 5.0 MB | Mediafire Download
Requires Android:1.6 and up

A fully customizable 3D flip clock and world weather widget. 3D Flip clock & world weather widget. A full featured, size 4x2 fully customizable digital clock and weather forecast widget

download 3D Flip Clock & World Weather 0.50 Apk 
v0.50 update:
- Bug fix (high density displays)

The widget features the following:
- 36 skins to chose from (more skins coming in the future)
- 5 weather icon skins
- 5 fonts for the time
- Portrait or landscape mode
- 12 or 24 hour clock with date
- Current location (city, country) taken automatically from cell/wifi or GPS, or specified by the user
- Weather conditions for current location (condition and temperature, low and high temperatures and weather icon)
- Detailed weather forecast display including the following:
- Local time
- Sunrise and sunset time for current location
- Humidity and wind conditions
- Current condition, temperature and low and high temperatures
- Current condition icon
- Last weather update time
- 4 day weather forecast
- World weather: Chose to display weather information for any number of different locations worldwide. Just select your favorite locations and you will immediately have updated weather and time information.
Note: Weather is provided by Google

download 3D Flip Clock & World Weather 0.84.1 .Apk terbaru
disclaimer: this app is not FREE, please buy in android market or visit developer's website
Please support the developers if you like their app.
tags : aplikasi android, game, app, apps, support android phone: samsung galaxy, ace, mini, s 2, sony ericsson xperia, x10, x8, motorola, LG, HTC, droid, nexus, s, nexian, zte, and all android phone
download 3D Flip Clock & World Weather 0.50 Apk
[download apk] for PRO version Please buy here [android Market]

3D Flip Clock & World Weather Apk for Android - update

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